About Dr. Brown

Dr. Mitchell Brown is one of North America’s leading plastic surgeons specializing in aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgery, body contouring and facial aesthetic surgery. Since opening his clinical practice in 1995, Dr. Brown has been an innovator in the field of aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery. He has been invited to give presentations at conferences and symposia in many countries around the world and has performed live surgery demonstrations at major breast surgery meetings.

Dr. Brown is the founder and co-course director of the Toronto Breast Surgery Symposium, Canada’s largest annual medical symposium of its kind. In 2011, Dr. Brown also founded Breast Reconstruction Awareness (BRA) Day, an annual day to acknowledge the need for education, access and awareness for breast reconstruction following the treatment of breast cancer. BRA Day is now recognized in over twenty-five countries worldwide.

As Dr. Brown’s practice in breast surgery evolved over the years, he has become a referral site for women seeking secondary or revision breast surgery. Today, almost half of his breast surgery practice is dedicated to assisting these patients and he has been instrumental in developing new approaches and techniques for breast revision surgery.

Dr. Brown is a Professor of Surgery in the Department of Surgery at the University of Toronto. He recently completed a ten-year term as Residency Program Director for the Division of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery. He has published numerous articles in the field of plastic surgery and is well recognized on both a national and international level.

In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Brown contributes regularly to the plastic surgery community through his involvement in various societies, invited lectures and scientific publications. Here are some of Dr. Brown’s contributions related to secondary or revision breast surgery:


Brown MH, Aggarwal S, Somogyi R. (2016) Continuing Medical Education – Secondary breast augmentation. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery:

Adams W, Bengtson B, Brody G, Brown M et al. (2011) Managing late periprosthetic fluid collections in patients with breast implants: A consensus panel recommendation and review of the literature. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Invited Book Chapters

Brown MH: Revision Breast Augmentation – Prevention and Management. In: Atlas of Aesthetic Breast Surgery. Editors L. Pu, M. Jewell. 2021

Brown MH: Planning and technique in subpectoral breast augmentation – Video book chapter.  In:  Aesthetic and reconstructive surgery video series. – Dr. Philip Blondeel.  2015.

Brown MH. “Secondary Breast Augmentation” Plastic Surgery, 3rd Edition. Dr. P. Neligan. Elsevier (2012)

Brown MH: Primary and secondary mastopexy augmentation. Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Breast, Hall-Findlay E, Evans G. Elsevier (2010)

Brown MH: Revision augmentation with anatomical form stable silicone gel implants. Surgery of the Breast: Principles and Art, 3rd Edition. Spear S. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins (2010)

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Dr. Mitchell Brown, Toronto Plastic Surgery and Toronto Brest Revision Surgery